Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Intersection between Art and Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Intersection between Art and Politics - Essay Example It is prudent that the events from the 1830 Revolution had shaped the political scene in France, and some sense of democracy and self-rule was emanating from the rulers. The fact that artists were allowed to elect their people to the jury that oversaw selection to the Salon manifested the political maturity that the July Monarchy had undergone. That notwithstanding, the Constitution of the July Monarchy under which Louis Napoleon took over leadership of the county prescribed that the term of the president will be subject to a one-year term of four years that is not renewable. Practically, the laws were keen to do away with the dictatorship that had marred the nation for years and open a new window of political free will whereby power emanates from the people and is owned by the people of France. Owing to the changes that the July Monarchy installed on the Salon the next episodes of the Academy demonstrated massive improvement in terms of both quality and the scope of ideas that the a rtists showcased. Consequently, the subsequent editions of the Salons were characterized by an increase in the number of artistic paintings that demonstrated the impact of the 1848 Revolution thus instilling some sense of realism to the industry (258).Jean Louis Ernest Meissonier was among the notable artists to present historical paintings at the Salon that depicted the effects of the 1848 Revolution. The memory of Civil War is a painting that he made of a scene from the July Days that he experienced first-hand.

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